Monday, May 11, 2009

In Video cards, what is the difference between GDDR3 and DDR2?

Also, do you have to have DDR3 RAM to have a GDDR3 video card?

In Video cards, what is the difference between GDDR3 and DDR2?
They're each just types of RAM, and not all that dissimilar at that. GDDR is usually used on graphics cards where as DDR is usually used as system ram. The type of system RAM you have has nothing to do and will not effect the video RAM either.

The biggest jump came in going from SDR to DDR RAM. The subsequent DDR2 and DDR3 RAM have a noticeable, but not substantial improvement upon previous generations.

For more info on types of RAM, check the following link.
Reply:GDDR3 is essentially Graphics Double Data Ram 3. (Does not translate exactly as this, but it's a easy way to remember!) It is a designation that really means it run's like DDR3 ram memory. Naturally just looking at the number/letter code tells you that DDR3 is faster than DDR2.(a little more info on DDR2 and DDR3. No your ram memory in your computer system does not have to match your graphics card ram. A designated graphics card,(compared to Onboard graphics, or Integrated graphics. Both mean the same thing. It's just like saying vid card, or graphics card. Same meaning for these two terms), frees up your computer systems processor and ram. Why? Because the graphics card has it's own processor, and ram. It run's independant of your computers system hardware.
Reply:GDDR3 is faster than GDDR2, and no you do not need DDR3 ram to run a GDDR3 graphics card. for example i have 2gb of DDR2 6400 ram but i have a 8800GT which has 512mb of GDDR3.

shoe lasts components

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