Monday, May 11, 2009

What kind of video cards are better for gaming performance, ATI or nVidia?

I am currently looking to upgrade from my crappy 64MB GeForce2 video card and I have two video cards in mind that I am thinking of getting: the ATI HIS X1550 256MB or the nVidia GeForce FX 5200 PNY 256MB. Any help would be greatly appreciated, however not rewarded with a material reward.

What kind of video cards are better for gaming performance, ATI or nVidia?
Those are both fairly low-end cards. Personally I'd stay away from the FX5200. Never really had a good experience with those. As for the ATI card,...if you can, go with something more along the lines of the X1600 pro if that's within your budget. Avoid any cards that use part of your RAM as their exclusive memory. Try to make sure that your card has at least 256MB of it own on-board memory.
Reply:They both make really good cards. It mostly depends on exactly what games you are planning on playing.

Also keep in mind that depending on how old your motherboard is, you might not be able to use some newer cards.

Also - your processor speed and the amount of RAM in your machine will also affect how well some games will play - though a new video card should have a major effect on how well it handles 3-d graphics.

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