Monday, May 11, 2009

Video cards and Operating systems, what do they have to do with one another?

I was told by Dell that the reason my CPU is acting up is because of the video card. Then later she said the Operating system as well. I am running Vista and I only purchased this CPU from Dell about 4 months ago. What do they have to do with one another? Why do I have to totally restore my CPU?

Video cards and Operating systems, what do they have to do with one another?
video card is the thing that processes the images you see and 3d aplications you use so if it is the video card then i would reccomend downloading the latest drivers from whoevers website that you card is from.

if its the os then go start and windows update and this will download all high priority updates also give your computer a virus scan.
Reply:Just so you know, CPU is not an abbreviation for "computer." It's an acronym for "central processing unit." Learn the abbreviations before asking a question, as it's bound to confuse some people if you use incorrect abbreviations.

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