Monday, May 11, 2009

How do you increase memory in the intergrated video cards?

tell me the steps on how to increase the memory in the intergrated video card

please dont give me i dont knows' or there will be consequences

How do you increase memory in the intergrated video cards?
integrated video cards don't have dedicated ram, they use shared memory (this means it will be shared with the main memory).

increasing the memory for the video card just means increasing the main memory in this case.
Reply:onboard Graphics chips can either have Dedicated(Fixed) memory which is not configurable or Flexible memory which "Shares" the Main Memory, This is done by the BIOS reserving the allocated memory from the main memory.

To alter the Graphics mem allocation on these Flexable MEM chip you need to change the VGA allocation within BIOS

Depending on your system this is either done by pressing F1 or F2 or Delete during the very first stages of Boot (before the Windows logo).

BIOS should then give you access to it's menus (unless your BIOS has been locked by your manufacturer)

The VGA settings should be under ADVANCED settings or under PCI / PNP settings, if it is not look in all the menus IMPORTANT CHANGE NOTHING ELSE HERE!!!!!! I cannot stress this enough..

when you find the setting you should be able to increase the allocation, value is usually 1-32MB but this depends on the system

Some systems have a Tools Program (GUI interface) which may house the Settings for VGA allocation

remember in raising your allocation you will reserve mem away from free mem so you will have less mem for the rest of the system to use, if you have lots then this is not an issue.

if you still don't get the results you would like you can always install a Graphics Card to increase performance further.

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