Monday, May 11, 2009

Where do I get good cheap video and sound cards?

I bought a computer but it doesnt have a sound or video card so I cant play my favourite games or listen to music or anything!!

I need a 3d graphix card and just a sound card to listen to my itunes!! wheres the best place to get the cheapest ones and how much will they be??

also are they easy to install??

Where do I get good cheap video and sound cards?
That sounds very odd. How old is this computer you bought? Almost all current machine have video %26amp; sound built into the motherboard- it's not the highest quality, but it should work for basic tasks like that. Did you just buy a barebones box? has the best online prices, but you need to know what you're buying. A sound card you can probably find at any computer store (like the ones in mini malls) for $15-20.

CompUSA has good selection for a walk-in store, although their prices aren't that great unless you find rebate deals.

Video cards- yikes. Good ones are NOT cheap! You can get something minimal like a GeForce FX 5200 or ATI Radeon 9200SE for around $50- those are much better than onboard video and will handle watching movie clips, basic graphics etc.

But cards like that aren't going to handle high-end gaming. Decent cards like a GeForce 7300 start around $100, better cards run $200 and up.

I recommend you have a PC technician examine your system and confirm it doesn't have these items before you spend money on something you might not need- maybe downloading the proper drivers will get your current hardware working properly. In any event, they could easily install the new components for you (and make sure you get the correct ones for your system)
Reply:on the net....
Reply:try newegg
Reply:go to the comp scrap dealer and pull one out . it is cheaper and usually works well In my opinion offers the cheapest hardware, and I find them fairly easy to install, it varies, I wouldnt wan't my grandmother to touch my computer. However if you feel you can read instructions go for it its about 4 simple steps. (No tools required unless you need a screwdriver to open your computer).

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