Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a Question About AGP Video Cards (i think i know the answer but theres no harm in asking others)?

The only AGP Video Cards that are from Nvidia is from the GeForce 7 series but there only DirectX 9.0c capable and the ATI Radeon HD2400 to HD2600 and ATI Radeon HD3850 are DirectX 10-capable.

So is the ATI Radeon HD3850 AGP the best for gaming?

Just a Question About AGP Video Cards (i think i know the answer but theres no harm in asking others)?
They're all good for gaming. If you're using Windows Vista, dx10 videocards are a perfect match.
Reply:If your PC still has AGP slots, just get a new computer, the cards are okay now but there's no sense in spending a few hundred bucks for a year or two until all games have graphics like Crysis does.
Reply:Isn't it great to see ATI addressing the need for AGP upgrades. Those of us that are not ready to throw away our perfectly good machines to get a graphics upgrade now have something to be thankful for.
Reply:Directx 10 is supposed to have more detail in the graphics. I personally own a a gforce card and they are pretty nice. So either way you can't go wrong.

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