Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 video cards on one computer?

I was wondering if it was possible to have two video cards on one computer. One is embedded to the computer and I have one that can fit with the PCI slot. The reason is one of my pc games don't work for the embedded video card and does with the other card.

2 video cards on one computer?
I have a computer that has a really slow embedded computer graphics card. I upgraded to a Invidia card through my PCI slot. I only have to plug my monitor into the PCI card and it runs great. Hope this helps.
Reply:Well, I have 2 video cards on my computer also... But the best thing to do in my opinion, is to check the drivers and possibly go into your BIO's and try to disable the onboard video card and possibly get another video card if games arent working correctly ( as a last resort ) otherwise, just update the drivers and what not.

there's lots of sites to do that is a good one.

hope it helped aha.
Reply:Yes you can. Normally the embedded one will automatically disable. But you can run two monitors at a time. I have 4 running and it is really sweet
Reply:yes its possible

you can enable and disable any,,,,but be sure you can have only one as enabled the other should be disabled ....
Reply:why don't you just make the pci video card the main card and use that one all the time.

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