Sunday, May 23, 2010

How much do video cards range in cost?

what is the range in cost for video cards?

How much do video cards range in cost?
10-650$ for common desktop video cards.

So-called "workstation" video cards are powerful cards for intense 3D rendering, and they can cost anywhere from 130-3000$.
Reply:poor: 50-89 (old cards from 3-5 years ago)

semi-poor: 90-130

okay: 130-150

good: 150-200

excellent ones: 200-300

gaming: 300-500

ultra uber ones: 500-1000

super duper computer top of the notch-- something something blahblah: OVER 1000+ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

anyway, yeah...

check them out!
Reply:video cards can range from $50 dollars for the used ones and $200 for the new 1 gb cards
Reply:You can get a card as cheap as $15 and as much as $1,000. It really all depends on what you want to do with it.
Reply:DW said it, 50-800 bucks. Really depends on what you are going for, and each has its own specifications for different jobs.
Reply:anywhere from $40to$875 good cards are worth $150-$250
Reply:$50 to $800, depending on what you want from the card. the best place on the web!!!

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