Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is DVI out on Video Cards similar to the DVI out on camcorders?

I have seen the specifications of some PC Video cards that have DVI out. Are these like the DVI outputs on camcorders? Do they carry voice and video?

Can someone suggest a good such video card in the 100-200 price range?

Can these be connected to a video recorder that has DVI input and transfer both sound and video?

Is DVI out on Video Cards similar to the DVI out on camcorders?
DVI only carries video, not audio. When using a DVI video output you will need a seperate audio output. HDMI is format to carry both. Or the standard connects like component/composite cables.

Reply:DVI is to hook up to digital flat screen monitors

it would depend on what kind of cam you have ..but I don't think they hook up the same

your best bet would be to get a video card with s-video out on it

here is a link to a photo of what DVI out on a PC looks like


colonial shoe buckles

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