Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why do the on board video cards on PC motherboards suck?

they have no power to them ( I had good pci-e video card

but it brunt up ) they can't run many of the games out there

Why do the on board video cards on PC motherboards suck?
More or less all the answers here are good. Not all onboard cards suck, a vast majority do however. Now I am sure you are aware that using onbaord card slows your computer down as well. it takes the ram in your computer and dedicated some of it for just graphics. When you have a card you eleminate this and incrase the performance inyour computer alot. I recommend almost every one get a card. even if its a cheap card. For gamers (like my self) I want the best of the best in cards. Spending up to 500 in it is insane but that drives the price down for you (=....You can get your self a average or good pcie card for about 130 bucks.
Reply:actually some are good. ECS has a good geforce 6100. It acutallys runs alot of games. Not all onboard suck. But people that are true gamers will spend around 200 to 400 dollars on a graphics card. I run two ati radeon 3870 on crossfire mode. And they run great. I play alot of games though. . Then i have a anohter computer were i use it for school. But all i need is a onboard graphics card. Which works great for me.
Reply:They are cheap to produce, and it is not meant for gaming. The companies don't usually come with a dedicated graphics card, mainly because the pcs bought aren't usually for gaming and they want you to buy your own graphics card.
Reply:they are made out of cheap components ...

just to make sure u can use it until u buy

another agp or a pci express card ...

those are not for games or other 3d

softwares ... as they dont carry the power

and the capabilities to run em ..
Reply:Because they are for low cost solutions. They also share your system memory for video which can drag your system's performance down.
Reply:the vast majority of pc users aren't gamers. they just want an inexpensive machine to do their work on. A computer in an office enviroment has no use for an nVidia gaming graphics chip.
Reply:The cost of making them is way lower.

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