Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is it true that PCI EXPRESS video cards have compatibility issues with Motherboards?

A computer technician from a shop told me that even if your MOBO has a PCI-XPRESS slot for video cards you still have to know what cards to buy and you should have the list if necessary.

Is it true that PCI EXPRESS video cards have compatibility issues with Motherboards?
its not about the compatibility ... he might have asked u about the brand or different sizes of vgas like 128MB or 256MB or 512MB. i have INTEL915 motherboard and i tried almost every PCI EXPRESS graphic card n they worked perfect.
Reply:Well this can be true with any video slot, ie agp all depends on your M/B.

Generly there in't problem

Only if you take something very very extrim
Reply:Copying and pasting answers now that's innovation LOL
Reply:Well this can be true with any video slot, ie agp all depends on your MOBO. My ASUS MOBO manual indicates that it has some issues with certain Radeon cards and it has an AGP slot. Bottom line is PCI express is the future of vid cards..and you can even place two per MOBO now for faster performance. Shop around and get a MOBO that is of good quality and little compatibilty issues.

I noticed the person who answered below actually copied and pasted a portion of my response...nice.

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