Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is it possible to sync two video-cards to one motherboard.?

I have a asus P5S800-VM motherboard running a AGPx8 ATI Radeon 9600 256 mb video card. I have a spare 125mb FX5200 PCI card. Is it possible to sync them both to run off the same motherboard

Is it possible to sync two video-cards to one motherboard.?
This is what NVIDIA's SLi and ATI's crossfire accomplish, though they require PCIe cards so you cannot do it with your current cards. With SLi or Crossfire you use two cards in two PCIe sockets and use a bridge to link them together.
Reply:Kevin S has it right. It is possible using PCI-Express video cards either in the SLI or Crossfire configuration.

You can find more about it all over the net at:,,, etc.
Reply:You CAN run dual monitors where each video card powers an individual monitor.

But as everyone before me has said you cannot link them together to get better video processing.
Reply:What would be the point. I doubt you can use them samultaneously.
Reply:Nope. Can't run multi PCI nor AGP and PCI at the same time. YOu need a single dual card.

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