Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can I run two video cards on my PC?

I have a Gateway Windows XP Media Center and It came with an Intel video card with a TV Tuner. I, since then, upgraded my video card to a Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT but the Intel one is still in there. Can I enable the driver for the TV Tuner and run both video cards so that I can use the GeForce for games and the Intel to watch television?

What things do I have to do and what do I have to consider?

Can I run two video cards on my PC?
if your intel card is integrated into your motherboard then yes you can. in fact thats exatcly what i have on my computer (i have 3 monitors and the card had 2 VGA ports)
Reply:No you can not run 2 video cards at the same time. Use 1 and disable the other.

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