Sunday, May 23, 2010

When will the new Video Cards, DirectX10 compatible, come out?

I recently upgraded to a Core 2 Duo in my desktop, and I'd love to add a new video card, but I heard that Vista will support DirectX 10, and that it's rather pointless to buy a card right now. When will the new ones comes out from NVidia and ATI? October maybe? Or Xmas?

When will the new Video Cards, DirectX10 compatible, come out?
I am currently on Windows Vista RC 1 as I speak (I have a NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Ultra). You don't have to wait to purchase a video card, because NVidia and Radeon have already come up with the necessary drivers.
Reply:Although the next generation video cards are designed for DirectX10, the old cards will still support it. The new nVidia are supposed to be out in Nov/Dec and the ATIs in January.

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