Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's the difference in perfomance between internal and external video cards?

ok as long as i know internal video card can consume the RAM's memory..but what are the other factor we must consider?

i got an AMD board with a capacity up to 1gb internal video.. so, do you think it is practical i'll invest buying RAM instead buying external video? any way the board can hold up to 4gb RAM

since we all know that external videos are expensive.

pls advice..


What's the difference in perfomance between internal and external video cards?
This all comes down to what you intend to use the computer for.

If you use your computer for surfing the net, email, word documents and the ocassional DVD then you'll be fine going with the onboard graphics supplied with your motherboard.

If you intend on using the computer to play games, video editing and other grpahics heavy opertaions then there is no way that your onbaord grpahics will be able to support the applications. Firstly the onboard memory of the graphics card is completely devoted to graphics and allows your system RAM to work on other operations. Secondly onboard graphics use more of your CPU's processing power while an external garphics card has its own processing unit. It also has support for higher screen resolutions and has more additional speed and pixel processors.
Reply:If you want to play game like Crysis and Halo3.

Then you must need to buy a PCI Express Card (Graphics Card).

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