Sunday, May 23, 2010

Video cards-computer- I just put a Radeon HD2600XT video card in my desktop, it seems to be working?

just fine but my screen bounces up and down a little bit, constant motion. It's quite annoying--is there a way to fix this so it doesn't move. Thank you for any help you can give.

Video cards-computer- I just put a Radeon HD2600XT video card in my desktop, it seems to be working?
I have a 12" subdriver right behind my computer desk and another 5.1 sound system hooked up with it. With my old CRT monitor when I played anything with heavy bass it would shake and shimmy the picture. If I turned the sound down it would fix the problem... I think the monitor was my problem. But not sure about yours...
Reply:INTALL the software.

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