Sunday, May 23, 2010

How is this company name MSI (Micro Star International)? and thier video cards Anyone?

never really heard of them much except probably motherboards.. how are their video cards...cuz i found a good deal online for thier 8800 series card..what do you guys think...should i only stick to EVGA OR BFG types of brand or go with better deals like msi or xfx for example...

How is this company name MSI (Micro Star International)? and thier video cards Anyone?
Well all 8800's are based off the same chipset so only the cooling solution is really MSI's creation. So each and every card is clocked the same. However I really think you should stick with EVGA. MSI doesn't create really good motherboards, as I prefer Asus ones. EVGA however has the 650i Ultra motherboard (intel-compatible)which can boost the performance of your 8800 with its built-in Media Control Processor. Also EVGA is probably the closest working partner with NVIDIA so you can expect only the best from them.
Reply:msi is a very major computer hardware manufacturer. not as famous in the video card arena but i would consider them trustworthy. i would really suggest looking around for some reviews on your individual card because anyone can make a faulty card or two even guys like evga. xfx is somebody that ive started seeing around a lot and they seem to be reviewed pretty well but again really do your research on your individual model.

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