Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do most major ATI and GEFORCE mobile video cards work with as many games as desktop counterparts?

I dont see ATI Radeon X1400 and Geforce 7400 series video cards on most game test lists. will it work just as well as the video cards of the same series that aren't mobile (will they support the same games?) I'm buying a laptop and wondering if ill be able to game as well as on my PC.

Do most major ATI and GEFORCE mobile video cards work with as many games as desktop counterparts?
Apparently, I'm the only one who read your question. Yes, they should also work with the same games the desktop series of cards do. They may not run as efficiently, but they will still work: that's what they're designed for. They're only not included in lists because usually they're not used. And they're only numbered differently to distinguish them from their desktop counterparts.
Reply:I quote "will it work just as well as the video cards of the same series that aren't mobile" to which I said no. They aren't as fast and they won't run the games as well. Will they work, meh, probably, would I bother, no, I'd get a desktop. Report Abuse

Reply:pc's will always have better gfx than laptops and will always have a higher perfromance than laptops becuase laptops are made to have small components and use up as little power as possiable where as with desktop pc's it does not matter so there is no limit to how powerfull a desktop can be
Reply:If you're asking if they are as fast or as powerful as their desktop counterparts, the answer is no. If you are lucky you will be able to locate a laptop with a Geforce 7600Go or 7700Go which is as of right now your best bet for laptops when it comes to the price/performance ratio.

They don't make a desktop version of the X1400 or 7400 but their closest matches are probably the X1300 or 7300GS/GT respectively.

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