Thursday, May 20, 2010

What is the difference in the names for video cards, and which are the best?






What is the difference in the names for video cards, and which are the best?


Radeon is made by Ati

Quadro and Geforce is made by Nvidia

Radeon and Geforce are the Series of cards.

quadro is exclusive for CAD,Photo editing,medical reserach and stuff along those lines, they are more of a business type, and are infact horrible for video games all together,

It is really a toss up who has the "Best" Card. however not many people buy there flagships cards

as of right now ati's best midrange is there lower "X" series cards

And nvidia's 6 Series cards are the best, however they still dip into the 5 or Fx series as some people call them.

so far across the board the best bang for the buck is the 6600GT it is like the new "4600ti" of sorts. they sell for about 140$ which is really good considering the most expensive geforce card cost 799.99$ which is more then alot of people pay for there entire computer, i bought my 6600gt when it was 3rd from the top, i spent 263.74 on the card. it had been out for 2 weeks lol! prices drop fast dont they?

it really is a pick of what you want to do and what video games you would want to play. games like Half life 2 and anything on the steam engine tend to be better using ATI cards, Everquest, Doom3 and those play better using Nvidia. now a nvidia will play HL2 quite well, but the games are coded to take advantage of there partners cards just a little better.

check out

for more details.
Reply:radeon is a type of graphics card made by nvidia

not sure about quadro

geforce is a type of graphics card made by nvidia

personally, i choose whichever gives the most bang for my buck
Reply:ATI makes the Radeon video cards, GeForce is a chipset made by nVidia. ATI makes their own video cards, but other companies use their chipsets, also. nVidia does not make their own video cards, other companies use their chipsets on their cards.

Oh, yeah, Quadro is a high performance nVidia chipset for engineering and graphics design like CAD programs.
Reply:spart do some research. radeon is made from ATI not Nvidia. lol. radeon quadro and geforce are the graphic board names and there from both ATI and Nvidia. Nvidia gives out geforce as listed above and ATI gives out Radeon i dont no about quadro though never heard of it. the best video card is from ATI. i always go for it because the first time i got a video card from Nvidia it didnt work with my computer and when i got a ATI it worked perfectly. i would go with ATI. The best card for them is the Crossfire x1900 xtx. and from Nvidia is the Nvidia SLI 7900 gtx. there both expensive around 500-700 dollars
Reply:quadro is the higher end nvidia, geforce is the lower to middle end nvidia. all of the video cards are made by many different companies nvidia and ati only produce the chip on the card. they sell their chip to other compaines to put on the cards you use in your computer.. which is better is a matter of personal prefference. i have had better luck with my nvidia and no luck with ati.. when choosing a card pay attention to what slot it uses, pci,pci-e or agp. pci-e cards are faster than the rest. next come the clock speed of the chip it's self the higher the clock speed the better quality

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