Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dual video cards of different types?

I'm already running 2 GeForce 7900's. I want to upgrade but dont want to spend the money on two more cards. Is it possible to only upgrade one and keep one of the others?

Dual video cards of different types?
Vista requires that the GPUs be from the same family.

Other OSes do not require this, but it is probably a good idea.

I know that XP will work with multiple cards from different vendors - I run a NVidia card with an old Matrox PCI card for multiple screens, however you are dependent upon the video chipsets and drivers playing nicely together, so I would recommend another GeForce 7xxx card.
Reply:In addition they also have to be made by the same company.
Reply:they have to be from the same family of GPU. two 7xxx series, or two 8xxx series. A 7900 and an 8800 won't work together, a 7950 and 7900 won't either. Your best bet would be to get the new card and run in single mode until you can get the other one, or save the money until you can manage both cards.
Reply:You can buy 2 more 7900 cards so u can have a quad sli (4 cards) system,if your motherboard supports this mode.Or sell your 2 7900 cards and with the money you will earn buy one 8800GTX which costs about 700€ but is the best gpu for now!

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